I feel so very lucky to have such great men in my life. But there is one man today that I want to talk about, and share a story with everybody.
When I was 4 years old my father died in a tragic plan accident, leaving behind myself ( the oldest, my sister
+Cara Jones who was around 2, and my brother
+Rob Charlesworth who was 5 months old) and of course my mother. It was a struggle and a hard time for all. My daddy Allen ( as I call him) was a very loved and very likable person, to all. But us three kids did not get to experience that man unfortunately. I know there will be a day I will get to know my daddy Allen. But because of this tragedy, I was blessed to have another great man brought into my life.

A few years after the death of my daddy Allen, my mom meet this amazing man, Timothy Hoby Gall aka Hoby ( he likes going by his middle name). You may ask why he is so amazing to me? and here is why. My Dad ( Hoby) fell in love with my mother and despite the fact that she had already been married and had three kids. This 30 year old bachelor, who had never been married, did not have any kids. Loved my mom so much that he took us all on, with open arms.
My dad and I have always had our ups and downs, like most kids and their parents. But he never gave up and never stopped trying to be the best dad.
I actually think it grew on him, because my parents added two more to the family. My brother Tyler ( he is the one on the left, Rob is the one on the right). And...
My sister
+Rylie Gall ( she is on the left, and my sister Cara is on the right). These two and the other two have brought joy to my life and I could never imagine my life without them.
This amazing man raised me, he taught me many life lessons, he developed memories for me that I will always cherish. Some of those include, letting us stay up and in line for the midnight showing of Jurassic Park, waking us older kids up at 1 a.m. because he reached bowser on Mario brothers and he wanted us to be able to watch and celebrate with him after he won. Driving me to my friends house and the "I Like Big Butts" song came on, and he turns the radio way up and sings along. Pulling up in his Cadillac he just purchased and had us get in, and we went to an empty lot and did donuts in the car. Convincing my mom that I was old enough at 13 to watch "Braveheart" with them, because it had educational value to it :) the list could go on.
But with all of this fun and silly stuff, he also taught us to be responsible, not to judge others, to be respectful. The one thing he taught me that I will forever be grateful for is to just be honest. That I could make the choice to lie and get in huge trouble when the truth came out, or to just be honest and pay the consequences and get in less trouble. I always called him the human lie detector :) but it is a trait that he possesses, that I value and have carried it over into my little family.
Some people say a parent will always love their child no matter what happens, through good and bad. Well I can say that not only is that true for myself. But myself and my siblings who are not his flesh and blood have been able to experience that deep and loving bond, with my dad. In my eyes he is not a step-father to me, he is my father. I love and cherish him as much as I love and cherish my daddy Allen. He is my hero and a great example that good things can happen in someones life, when there feels like there is no hope.
My Dad and My oldest Daughter Kamryn
My Dad and Grandpa Ayers with my little one Anndi ( who is a Grandpa's girl)
My Mom and Dad with my Middle daughter Hadley after her baptism.
I love you Dad! and look forward to making many more memories. HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!!