Many people in this world are not fan's of any Police Officer. Like everyone in this world, we all have our own opinions. Some may call me bias and I am 9 times out of 10. I hate when a marked car or motor cop get behind me because I know what they are doing as they follow you for awhile and either pull you over or not.
But like everyone in this world, they are human beings as well. They have families, friends etc. They have jobs to help support those in their life. Yes, did they choose a profession that is dangerous and puts them in situations that most would never want to be in. But every day the men and women of any Pd, go out on their shift to protect and service the communities, they will put themselves in harms way or even sacrafice their life, because of that oth they took.
Ask yourself the next time you get angry with an officer " who is going to come help me when somebody breaks into my home? Who is going to be there first when a fatal accident happens? Who takes the people off the streets that hurts us or cause harm to those around us?"
My heart goes out today, along with my prayers.
I find it interesting that people do not like police officers unless there is an emergency. They don't realize all that cops do in order to prevent bad things from happening in the first place. My prayers go out to the 2 families, and all police officers everywhere!